Puckapalooza, or sometimes simply plooza, is the pinnacle of puck hoggery. This mostly annual event gathering puck hogs from around the US and Canada for a few days of hockey, drinking, betting, hockey, poker, and maybe some more hockey. Attendance at a plooza will instantly make you a made man in the PHL242. If this is important to you the you should probably reexamine your priorities. It’s still a damn good time. The plooza box score sheet is a continuance of a pre-PHL242 tradition of documenting success, failures, and ignominy from the degenerate event. Read the summaries below and you'll see what we get up to.
Las Vegas '16
First Period (Frozen Fury Day)
Scoring Summary:
Hoddick, T.(1) (Hoddick, A., Hoddick, R): Scoring 15 tix to Frozen Fury with work connections
Jimmy (1) (Nancy): securing table for entire group at El Diablo
Shelby (1) (Hoddick, T.): AEG picked up the whole freakin’ dinner tab!
Hoddick, A.(1) (Hoddick, T., Hoddick, R): Family-palooza! The family that paloozas together, um, paloozas together!
Nancy (1) (Jimmy): Family-palooza!
Zeina (1) (AD): Family-palooza!
Hoddick, R.(1), (Hoddick, T., Hoddick, A.): Palooza cherry for the lad who’s been a puck hog since he was a minor
Paddy McV (1) (McV): Scoring autographed Kings Ice Crew calendar – hello exposed midriff!
Hoddick, T.(2) (Hoddick, A.): Welcome Puck Hogs Local 242 ON THE FREAKIN’ NHL JUMBOTRON!
Daryl Evans (1,2,3) natural hat trick (Shelby, Hoddick, R.): Ryan Hoddick’s “What was the Miracle on Manchester?” question launches 20 minutes of the best storytime you’ve ever had with Daryl Evans, scorer of the Miracle’s GWG. We got Carl and Mildred, we got Stevie Larmer, we got stories of Niagara Falls, and we learned that old people have sex “nooner”.
Shelby (2) (Hoddick, T,): “I’d like to introduce you all to Bob Miller”
AD (1) (McV, Zeina): William Hill Sports Book tour. “McV, I think I’ve found my dream job”
McV (Family Palooza scratch): Kathi, we missed ye!
Janson (Palooza scratch): this was your time, budday!
AD (Tardiness): arriving late to El Diablo, way to go, clown
McV (Tardiness): arriving late to El Diablo, way to go, clown
Hoddick, R. (Underaged Drinking): gettin’ to work on that Bud Light tall boy while mom wasn’t lookin’
Kenny (Absenteeism): we thought you might come after all! See you in LA
Freezang (Living Under a Bridge): poker, hockey (your favorite team) couldn’t get you out? Perhaps you really are a fantasy troll living under a bridge, yo.
Second Period (Draft Day)
Scoring Summary:
Leigh (1) (Unassisted): losing her Palooza cherry!
Mrs. Jussi (1) (Jussi James): another Palooza cherry!
Jussi James (1) (Mrs. Jussi): Family-palooza!
McV (1) (Deloitte): scoring nice and roomy suite to fit all the puck hogs during draft
Jimmy (2)(Unassisted): ready to go to crack the Marriott wifi and get us online, even though we didn’t need him!
Hoddick, A.(2) (Pac12 Network): getting the USC game on her iPad
Jussi James (2) (Hoddick, T.): consummating in-room trade!
Leigh (2) (Frankie): consummating in-room trade!
Leigh (3) (AD): consummating in-room trade! Extra special because she traded away the guy she just got from Frankie
Hoddick, T. (3) (AD, McV): Team craps success, the all the “Yo” made McV feel right at home.
McV (Ageism): forcing the young Hoddick to sit at the hallway table as the squire in the room
Scoring Summary:
Hoddick, T.(1) (Hoddick, A., Hoddick, R): Scoring 15 tix to Frozen Fury with work connections
Jimmy (1) (Nancy): securing table for entire group at El Diablo
Shelby (1) (Hoddick, T.): AEG picked up the whole freakin’ dinner tab!
Hoddick, A.(1) (Hoddick, T., Hoddick, R): Family-palooza! The family that paloozas together, um, paloozas together!
Nancy (1) (Jimmy): Family-palooza!
Zeina (1) (AD): Family-palooza!
Hoddick, R.(1), (Hoddick, T., Hoddick, A.): Palooza cherry for the lad who’s been a puck hog since he was a minor
Paddy McV (1) (McV): Scoring autographed Kings Ice Crew calendar – hello exposed midriff!
Hoddick, T.(2) (Hoddick, A.): Welcome Puck Hogs Local 242 ON THE FREAKIN’ NHL JUMBOTRON!
Daryl Evans (1,2,3) natural hat trick (Shelby, Hoddick, R.): Ryan Hoddick’s “What was the Miracle on Manchester?” question launches 20 minutes of the best storytime you’ve ever had with Daryl Evans, scorer of the Miracle’s GWG. We got Carl and Mildred, we got Stevie Larmer, we got stories of Niagara Falls, and we learned that old people have sex “nooner”.
Shelby (2) (Hoddick, T,): “I’d like to introduce you all to Bob Miller”
AD (1) (McV, Zeina): William Hill Sports Book tour. “McV, I think I’ve found my dream job”
McV (Family Palooza scratch): Kathi, we missed ye!
Janson (Palooza scratch): this was your time, budday!
AD (Tardiness): arriving late to El Diablo, way to go, clown
McV (Tardiness): arriving late to El Diablo, way to go, clown
Hoddick, R. (Underaged Drinking): gettin’ to work on that Bud Light tall boy while mom wasn’t lookin’
Kenny (Absenteeism): we thought you might come after all! See you in LA
Freezang (Living Under a Bridge): poker, hockey (your favorite team) couldn’t get you out? Perhaps you really are a fantasy troll living under a bridge, yo.
Second Period (Draft Day)
Scoring Summary:
Leigh (1) (Unassisted): losing her Palooza cherry!
Mrs. Jussi (1) (Jussi James): another Palooza cherry!
Jussi James (1) (Mrs. Jussi): Family-palooza!
McV (1) (Deloitte): scoring nice and roomy suite to fit all the puck hogs during draft
Jimmy (2)(Unassisted): ready to go to crack the Marriott wifi and get us online, even though we didn’t need him!
Hoddick, A.(2) (Pac12 Network): getting the USC game on her iPad
Jussi James (2) (Hoddick, T.): consummating in-room trade!
Leigh (2) (Frankie): consummating in-room trade!
Leigh (3) (AD): consummating in-room trade! Extra special because she traded away the guy she just got from Frankie
Hoddick, T. (3) (AD, McV): Team craps success, the all the “Yo” made McV feel right at home.
McV (Ageism): forcing the young Hoddick to sit at the hallway table as the squire in the room